This is a very sensitive topic for me to talk about and I‘m absolutely losing my mind over it. 3 weeks ago my boyfriend (29M) and I (28f) had an accident during sex where he got too violent suddenly; I had sever pain but it happened so fast I couldn’t say anything! I had bleeding afterwards and it was very frightening
I visited my gynecologist and she told me it’s an injury and it’s pretty deep! She gave me creams but now even after 3 weeks when we tried to have sex i was in so much pain and had so much discomfort and bleeding afterwards
I don’t understand how he could do this to me and will it ever heal! I don’t know if i should see my doctor again, but she just doesn’t explain much to me what’s going on and if and when it will ever heal
I’m absolutely losing my mind and I can’t help being angry at him
Any advice is appreciated

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