I barely interact with people, in fact I actively avoid it.

I’ve been reading up on how to get better socially and become more witty – because I sorely lack a sense of humour – and the first was to interact with as many people as possible. Something I go out of my way to not do, I go as far as hiding/avoiding people I know when I see them in public.

Decided today was the day to start with something low risk and tried to compliment a stranger on their outfit walking past me, but got completely ignored.

I didn’t want the first attempt to be one I remembered poorly so I swiftly cut my losses and tried again. They responded so sweetly with a higher pitched “aw thank you” and raised their hands to their face however I then just walked away without saying anything.

Two main questions:

1. No one was around when I got publicly ignored (thankfully) but if people had been, what could’ve been something witty to say to play it off?

2. What could I have said after complimenting the person on their outfit instead of just walking away?

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