Two days ago my girlfriend mocked working and said some random guy DMed her and she didn’t know what to do. I laughed it off and said that was funny thinking that was the end of it she said she’s not going to say anything to him. Later that night she fell asleep I was just going through her phone and then I noticed that his DM was on top meaning the most recent convo. I read it and he asked her on a date and she said no causes she’s busy not because she’s not single.. and then she said maybe another night. And then he asked for her Snapchat and shave gave it. Then out of curiosity I went to Snapchat and their already best friends andmultiple scraps back and forth.. How concerned should I be? Do you guys think that this is considered cheating? I want to know bring it up to her but I don’t want it to flip for her to say that why am I going through her phone.

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