To clarify, I’m a girl and I have been going out with my girlfriend for 3 years now. We don’t live in the same city and we only see each other every two weeks.

So, my girlfriend is a lesbian and she has a best friend called Alice, they live together because they’re in the same boarding school.

I am well aware that my girlfriend would never cheat, or even fall in love with her as I trust her very much.

But sometimes I just can’t help but feel jealous about Alice, because my girlfriend is quite affectionate with her and calls her by cute nicknames (I know it’s normal between friends but I’m looking for solutions to stop feeling so jealous).
I’m pretty sure she calls her “crevette” (which means shrimp in french) which bummed me a little bit since I thought she called only me that way.

There’s also a thing where sometimes we watch movies together on video call because we can’t see each other too often, and I thought it was an ‘us’ thing, but she was rewatching an anime with Alice and because of winter break they would videocall themselves to watch an episode.

She also spends a lot of ‘date-like’ time with Alice like watching the sunset with her or sneaking in the night to go outside etc. It’s inevitable that they do these things since they’re living together. I know.
She also bought her almost the same plush I bought her on her birthday, and I don’t know how to explain, but I feel jealous that she didn’t consider my plush as a special gf gift or something, or that they now how little matching plushies together.

I told her that I felt jealous even though I didn’t really know why and I wasn’t trying to force her to stop doing these things if she wanted to and she explained to me that each moment with a different person is unique to her in their own way.
I understand what she means but I can’t help feeling jealous that I’m not “more special” than the others…
Sometimes I feel like I’m just like any of her friends (or not even since she said she doesn’t consider me as a friend and really separates the two notions of love and friendship) plus the intimate stuff, but I know it’s probably me being dramatic.

I know it’s linked to self confidence issues, I just really want to find solutions for me to stop feeling that way because sometimes it’s eating me up, and talking to her about it hasn’t changed much about how I feel. Any advice?

TL;DR : my girlfriend is really really close to her best friend and I can’t help but feel really jealous about it.

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