Been with my partner for 10yrs now. I feel it’s lacking as in I’m not really attracted to her, what drew me in was her personality. I really do like her as a person though. However we are also different and don’t share the same interests. Also feeling held back.
I would like to end it but my current living situation is with her and one of her family members at there house.
Not to mention financially I’m not in a great place right now.
Unfortunately I don’t have anyone else to turn to and in another city that I don’t want to be in.
Not sure what’s the best course of action.

I also met another person and we started off as friends and we still are.
Through them I’ve discovered what I really want in a relationship. We get on very well.
However I seem to have developed some feelings for them.
I told them what’s on my mind but they said that they wouldn’t want to interfere with things since I’m still with someone.
However we were talking about going on a trip together.
They know that by going on the trip with me that it would pretty much end with my current.
It just doesn’t make sense why say you don’t want to do anything that would interfere with my current relationship but is willing to take a trip with me knowing it’s the same outcome?

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