I’m a 19-year-old currently enrolled in a general business program and working as a bar back at a university bar where you need to be at least 19 to enter. My job puts me in a unique position to interact with a lot of people my age, particularly girls, but my introverted nature often gets in the way of making those connections.

Despite loving to travel and seeking new experiences, I find it challenging to step out of my comfort zone in social settings. I really want to leverage my work environment to not only enhance my professional skills but also to improve my personal and social interactions, especially with girls.

I’m reaching out for advice on how to initiate and maintain conversations in a casual, social setting like a university bar. What are some good conversation starters? How do you approach people without feeling intrusive or awkward? I’m keen on breaking through my introverted shell and making the most of my time working at the bar.

Any tips, experiences, or strategies you could share would be incredibly valuable to me.

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