Before anyone says this, I know I was stupid. I know I should’ve made better decisions, and that I shouldn’t have done this but I did and now I have to deal with the reality.

A couple of months ago, my old boyfriend broke up with me. I was hysterical about it, and a couple of weeks later I had gone to Italy with my family. I was really devastated about what had happened and so upset so when I met this guy, it just happened. I was horny and drunk, missed my ex, and we ended up having sex. It was just a once off thing, not a big deal. We enjoyed it, and agreed we didn’t need anything more. He gave me his number, just so I could keep in touch if I wanted to but I didn’t really bother. It was a lapse of judgement on my part, and although I enjoyed it, I didn’t want to think about what I had done.

I had been feeling sick recently, and I just felt off. At first, I didn’t even think about pregnancy, I was on the pill for my period and I figured it was fine. But I felt awful so I decided to take one anyway just in case. It came up positive. I thought it was a mistake but they just kept coming up positive. I feel so stupid. I have no clue what I’m even meant to do. I barely know the father. I’m worried he might have a girlfriend now, and I could ruin his life by telling him about it. Realistically, no one wants to hear that their boyfriend got some random girl pregnant that he barely knows. We live in completely different countries, and I have no clue about what I’m supposed to do and how I’m supposed to tell him.

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