So I’m talking to this girl, nothing happened outside of school yet but we hang out a lot, she talks with me objectively the most out of anyone at the class (granted, I only pay attention to her so much when I’m actually focused on work), she (I think actually) laughs at whatever I say on my snapchat story, complements me on stuff most people don’t, we almost always work together on group projects, and even danced together at homecoming! One day in school I notice she’s wearing something different than usual (flower fabric dress with a wool cropped jacket) so I ask her if something is happening that day and she said she had a basketball game (likely a mis-interperetation), so The next day on a weekend while at a old person party bored out of my mind I text her asking how the basketball game went. She’s a pretty dry texter so after a few minutes I just end the conversation and she sends a selfie which is pretty typical. So Monday rolls around and in one of my classes I check my phone and notice she posted something on her story and its a six month old memory of her with her hand on some guy with a football jeresy’s chest with “happy birthday (enter guy name)”, some questions are raised but I’ve seen posts like these from other people who aren’t dating anymore so I figured I’ll try and find out later. I see her for my last hour and as a joke I say something along the lines of “Alright no beef, but you are terrible at texting”, some play bickering comes along and then I hear those words, those goddamn words, “I have a boyfriend!”. Ouch, now I kind of realized what she said that I’ve seen her a fair bit around the guy in the halls and whatnot for quite a while now actually, just never crossed my mind. I didn’t completely cut her off after that, in fact literally nothing has changed but now I have lots of questions on my mind that I need answered. I’ve talked to plenty of women and this isn’t the usual interaction, why was she so nice, was she literally only trying to make a friendship or am I being played? Am I overthinking this? What the shit am I supposed to make of this?

P.S. didn’t mention this, but a few days prior to the events stated I worked with her for multiple days on this big-ass optional assignment from another class that she would get a mini cake she said she would share a slice with me if I helped her, not really helping with the whole “being played” thing I mentioned earlier.

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