So, my (27F) boyfriend (27M) and I became exclusive a little over 2 months ago. He’s been pretty attentive and loving, and for the most part, I feel secure and happy in our relationship. I’ve even met his parents already and he said they really liked me. However, I’ve noticed that he looks at his phone a lot, including first thing in the morning, even when I’m there with him. He will pick up and start looking through his phone before saying good morning to me. I told him this bothered me, and he said he would work on it, though little has changed in that regard. I also noticed he almost never leaves his phone anywhere, like it has to be glued to his person. While I’ve told him my password on multiple occasions so he could change music for me or other random things if I can’t touch my phone because I’m cooking or whatever the reason, he has never told me his, and refused to the one time I asked. We were in his car and I just wanted to pick a song to play… he was driving, but refused to tell me the password so I could look at the music, and took the phone from me (while he’s actively driving on the highway) to unlock it and open the music app before handing it to me. He rarely lets me see what he’s doing on his phone, and always takes phone calls in another room/away from me, even though I take calls around him and sometimes even put it on speaker so he can be included in the conversation with my sister, parents, or whoever. Now all of these separately haven’t raised any flags, but I’m starting to feel like maybe I should be suspicious of it all. Most recently, he was texting someone while we were hanging out, and I asked who he was texting. He just said, “a friend.” Now, he’s told me about all his friends and I know most of their names, and whenever he’s talking to them or has recently been in a phone call with them, he’ll tell me who it was. So, I thought that was weird. I probed further and he told me who it was. It was his one female friend (at least as far as I know, he only has one female friend). I asked why he didn’t just tell me it was her when I first asked who he was texting, and all he said was, “I don’t know.” I kind of feel like he’s lying? If your natural instinct/pattern is to tell me who you’re texting or who you recently had a call with any other time, it takes more thought and effort to not share the name right away, in my opinion. I asked him in the past if he ever had any romantic or sexual relations with this girl, and he said no. So I have no reason to feel like there would be anything fishy going on there, because he seems pretty devoted to me. But this just isn’t sitting well with me. Am I overthinking it?

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