We’re out of college now, but she tanked my social life in high school. It’s a very long story, but she never wanted to go to any events like football games, dances, etc. I wanted to go to the winter formal dance as a senior, but she didn’t want to go. And I didn’t have anyone that I was close to attend with except for a group of girls (one of which my BFF got into a conflict with at the beginning of junior years). So I asked my BFF if she was okay with me going with those girls. She said yes, and to send her pictures.

But the next week at school, she’s acting weird. Not sitting with me at lunch, and she deliberately sat on the opposite side of the classroom (when we used to sit next to each other). She spread rumors about me, and soon, no one would talk to me. Things got better after a month, but my mental state took a while to recover. When we went to college, I literally ghosted her for six months, but she kept texting me, and now five years has passed, but I’m checked out of the relationship.

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