
My brother in law is getting a nasty divorce where their only child seems to be completely forgotten they haven’t told him anything (despite the fact that his dad left the house) and it’s triggering me so much.

My parent separated when I was 8. It was a friendly separation but it was still traumatic.

I’m in a very happy cohabiting relationship (7years) with 2 kids.

We had planned to get married but after he went off on a lads weekend (which was planned and meant a lot to him) when I had covid (a nasty dose of it) it reminded me that all the promises of marriage are bs and we had a heart to heart and I told him that marriage wasn’t for me.

I want a long lasting meaningful relationship all the same. I just don’t believe in the institution of marriage.
I think it’s outdated and unrealistic and it encourages people to take their partner for granted and not put in the effort. In the end I think people are more prone to have nasty divorces.

A friend is getting married and I’m really looking forward to go but he is reluctant and I’m afraid it is an indicator that our differences over the idea of marriage might not have been resolved as I thought it had been.

Maybe we just need more time to process, definitely need to talk more about it…. but I’m afraid that the idea of marriage is gonna affect our couple and that angers me.

He is from a happily married parents units with 10 kids and I love his parents so much. They are my role models lol.

Anybody has had differences of opinion around marriage and has been able to see through it?

I think circumstances are making things worth and making me stupid anxious. My partner is amazing and I would do anything for him including getting married, but I’m afraid it would make me resent him.

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