I’ve been dealing with this ever since i started smoking weed which was about 3 years ago in high school. I genuinely feel like weed has messed up some part of my brain but every person that i try and talk to, my mind goes completely blank mid conversation and i just end up not saying anything which causes the conversation to get awkward. The thing is, i’m not anti social. I have no social anxiety or any anxiety in general. I never stress and i genuinely know myself. I would continue typing but my mind just went blank again haha

  1. I feel like smoking weed heavily for several years made me so dumb haha so I can relate. I do have social anxiety but even when I’m not socially anxious I can’t think of anything to say half the time and I swear I wasn’t always like this.

  2. Samee!!! I remember I used to have endless conversations with literally anyone but ever since I’ve started smokin weed everyday, I just can’t come up with anything to talk about with people except sports!! And for some reason I’m not even interested in having conversations with anyone anymore!! It’s like my brain doesn’t even make an effort to come up with anything to talk about…

  3. Stop talking and start listening. Learn about active listening, use mirrors and labels. Would it be impossible to quit smoking weed if you know that is affecting you?

  4. Doubt it’s the cannabis; I mean joe rogan exists.

    You need to explore hobbies or even just watch things you’re vaguely interested in to slowly learn about different subjects and develop opinions on them. Ask about that subject to let them continue the conversation while bringing in your opinions from time to time.

  5. Read How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Now most of my conversations are just asking others about their lives, doesn’t require too much thinking. Just coming up with questions to ask them and digging deeper into what they tell me through more questions.

  6. Hahah OP I know exactly how you feel. I was extroverted in high school and throughout college, which was when I smoked almost everyday and took an occasional
    substance here and there. However, now I can barely keep a conversation up without second guessing myself and feeling so awkward about it.. and I quit smoking. The irony haha.

    Besides what everyone else suggests such as taking new hobbies, exploring different interests, or engaging in trending shows/topics.. remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can. It’s rough out here lol. Maybe the other person you talk to feels the same way about themselves and thinks they’re making it awkward as well. So no worries OP!

  7. Since moving to the city I’ve found the more I do in my day, the more quality conversations I can have. They don’t have to be deep, sometimes a chat about what you’ve done today/this week or plan to do (preferably something interesting, but doesn’t have to be) can lead to a good conversation and who knows from there.


    If I wake up late, don’t do much I end up being lazy and feeling sorry for myself. No confidence, no activity -> no conversation. I’m not saying you need to be crazy busy, but it certaintly will give you more ammunition

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