A lot of people with private accounts often don’t rly look at their follow requests simply because there are so many bots. A lot of people, like myself, kinda just let them pile up because they couldn’t be bothered with it. This often leads to real people being buried in the dust of 100 bots and on “requested” for a long time

If I told people, namely close friends and/or people I am in contact with “hey, I just sent an instagram follow request, if you wouldn’t mind accepting it and following back”, would that be weird or should I just let people operate on their own schedules? I have some good friends who haven’t seen it yet (people who I know care too), but I also am in contact with people and can text them saying “hey I sent a follow request” but I’m not very close with them

This is textbook overthinking btw, I feel like this has a very obvious answer I’m missing. Also full recognition social media isn’t real life and other things of that nature lol

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