I have posted complaining, ranting and raving about my husband. I have been cold towards him. But that stopped. I was thinking the other day about where I would be without him, and who I probably would have ended up with. And I can’t help but to feel so lucky to be with him. If the worst thing he does is leave empty water bottles on the couch, then I have hit the lottery. I read stories nonstop on here about infidelity and I know I don’t have to worry about that. I know he truly loves me, and what we have is a genuine unexplainable love. It’s amazing how much has changed for good after I stopped being cold, and showed him love again. It seems like the issues we had have disappeared overnight. We’re back to being the giddy couple we were when we first met. We even came up with the idea of doing surprise date nights. We each take a turn to plan a special date for the other, and the other won’t know what is going on until we get there. The first one is Monday and I’m surprising him with a fun night. I’m more excited to surprise him Monday than when it’s his turn to surprise me. I just feel so fortunate to be with him. I love him so much, I just hope I can show it well.

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