I think my boyfriend (27M) is trying to baby trap me (23F). We’ve been dating for over 2 years and he’s never acted like this before.

It all started not too long ago when we were talking about the future and I mentioned I would like to have one or two kids once I’m married. My boyfriend mentioned that his family was a little bit pushy about that stuff, but I didn’t really let mind to that because that’s how my family is too.

I recently went off birth control because it was causing me issues (extreme nausea and mood swings being two of the many), my boyfriend was aware I went off of it. He’s now saying that he thinks he’s allergic to latex so he can’t use condoms. I mentioned that there were latex free ones and he told me that those still have the same reaction to his skin. When we first started dating, he wasn’t allergic to latex or condoms. Now we’re just doing the pull out method, but he’s accidentally not completely pulled out.

Another reason is I saw him looking at one of my calendars, the calendar that I use to track my periods. It has nothing else and it’s pretty well hidden in my cabinet amongst other books and journals. It has the days that I ovulate on it as well. I didn’t mention anything to him about it. Then I realized that my boyfriend seemed to want sex more often on those days.

We had been in a rough few patches with our relationship being rocky, but we made up. I had mentioned it to a lady I work with and she pointed out that he could be trying to baby trap me. I really don’t want to think that’s what is happening but it might be.

Tl;dr I think my boyfriend is trying to baby trap me because he refuses to use protection, he has a higher libido when I’m ovulating, and recently our relationship was on the rocks

Edit/update: he agreed to buy other types of latex-free condoms. I’m not sure what kind since he hasn’t bought it yet, but it’ll be different than the last one we tried that didn’t work.

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