And I don’t mean from a romantic aspect, just a general one.

I’m asking because I noticed recently that men approach me and interact with me in public far more than they do my friends. And attraction doesn’t have anything to do with it (I don’t think) because the men are never making advances toward me, they’re just striking up light conversation. Stuff like saying the book I’m reading is one of their favorites and whatnot.

It’s never something I noticed before, I’m generally a friendly person, unintimidating, personable, so I’ve always gotten along well with strangers. I mean, I’m from the Midwest. We’re friendly as fuck. But anyway, recently I was on a group trip with my school and mostly stuck to a group of girls I knew, and since we were exploring together most of the time I just kinda finally put together the pattern that while women interacted with us all more evenly, men usually to seemed to single me out more specifically.

Im not mad about this by the way… I actually like knowing I’m approachable, I like to be a presence people feel they can be comfortable and themselves around. It’s part of why I want to know what it is, so that I can make sure I keep doing it. But it also makes me curious as to what in general makes a woman seem friendly to men. Also, it makes me wonder what about my friends is either more intimidating or less welcoming to them? Idk it’s just interesting.

And while, like I said I truly don’t think attractiveness is at play here because these are not romantic advances being sent my way, I will acknowledge that my looks probably play a role a bit. I’m a little nerdy-looking (don’t get me wrong, I think I’m pretty… just nerdy too.) So it’s not like I’m intimidating, but I don’t really think any of my friends give off “stuck up bitch” either. They’re also all friendly and cordial people.

So I guess, what are traits that men look for that usually tell you a woman is open to conversation, willing to interact, and make you want to do so?

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