I (F24) have been dating this guy (M33) for about a month now. We’ve gone on about 6 dates and we connected right from the start. We have amazing conversations where neither one of us is scared to be vulnerable, but we never dump too much onto the other person where it can be too much. He’s very upfront about his intentions and has made it clear that he can see things getting serious between us. The other day we spent the day together and we were just laying in the park and even though there were tons of people around us, he looked at me and said he felt like we were the only two people that existed in that moment. I felt the exact same way, and for some reason that really got me.

Even though it’s only been a month, I think I’m realizing that I’m starting to really care for him and that I do have feelings for him. I’m scared of moving too quickly though and I don’t want to jump all in at this point, but I know myself and when I start to feel like this, I let myself fall completely.

Any tips on how to keep myself level-headed and not jump into this too quickly so I can give it a fair shot?

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