I went from someone who could treat sunshine for disease to a jerk that takes ages to respind to any text, im talking between a couple of days to a month.

I know it sucks from my side but I feel really overwhelmed and burnt out to keep texting frequently and I know different people on different apps so it’s hard to be responsive on all. And I often say I’ll respond tomorrow and then u get lost in time and space and get surprised that a week or so have passed.

At the same time isolation is the way I cope with the extreme pressure of med school, and I know it’s not a healthy way to cope and it hasn’t been rewarding anyways but it sucks when others have way more free time than you do.

I know no one is responsible for how i feel and many times people complained about my shitty habits and expressed how annoyed that’d make them.

And I got told it was bound for that to happen when these have become my habits and all so yeah idk im just looking for tips to retrieve what I have left and stop inconveniencing people.

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