Preparing for trash pickup day, I was wondering how many bins you guys all have. Apparently we Belgians are pretty good at sorting our trash, so I was wondering to get a European perspective.

Here’s a pic of [our situation]( Flanders. It comes down to three bins and one bag.

* Blue bag = PMD (Plastic and Metal containers and Drink cartons)

* Yellow bin = paper and cardboard

* Green bin = organic waste (kitchen and garden)

* Black bin = rest

Bins are to be acquired with the commune and are meant for only our local garbage company. [You have sorting guides like this one.]( The bins are chipped and get weighed when there’s a pickup. We get charged weight of our trash at the end of the year. The bags are specific to our garbage disposal company and you can get those in the supermarket.

This varies from commune to commune; company to company. So places have only bags, but usually there’s at least one or two bins involved. Some places have sorting streets (communal area to bring your recyclables), but that’s not super common.

Edit: to expand a bit: apart from these, we also sort

* textiles (local collection points)

* glass bottles with a deposit (you get coupon for these at the supermarket)

* glass (local collection points)

* small electronics/lightbulbs/cables… (usually collection points in supermarkets/hardware stores)

* batteries (you get a small collection box and bring these to a local collection point like above)

* frying oil (some supermarket collect these to turn them in biofuels)


How is it in your country/area.

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