I met with my stbx the other day for the first time in close to a year. Our divorce isn’t final yet but it should be soon. I acted like I was happy to see him and asked about his gf who has been living with him since shortly after we broke up. He told me she wants to get married but he’s not ready and said that he should be where I am in a year or so (meaning, he’ll be over me then). I’m nowhere near over him but I let him believe I was. He also said he loves me and if I need anything to reach out to him. I said I didn’t want to get him in trouble with his new gf but he said, “too bad if she’s upset.” Here’s my question, is there any chance of getting him back? I mean he’s with someone else and they live together. Seems pretty hopeless, but I could tell he’s not over me either. If there is a chance to get him back, how would I go about it?

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