So last month we went out, stayed overnight in a hotel, little did I know that night he took viagra.
I had asked him previous to that night about taking viagra and he was dead against it and was like no I don’t take it blah blah.. I’ve got nothing against it at all, and if he wanted to take it I’d be ok with it as we can normally speak about anything.

Only tonight he slipped up, I said “oh we’re away this weekend are you going to have viagra or not” and he said “well I got 2 spare from last time”

Clicked in my head he was well against it last time and he’s lied to me for a month about taking it and it’s only because he forgot he lied to me about it has it come around!!

And now I’ve said I hat the fact we’re married and been together 10 years he’s still lying and now apparently it’s my fault for not “respecting him” and I shouldn’t have brought it up because he’s uncomfortable about it.. like how am I to know if you won’t speak about it?!

Anyway.. After a man’s advice because would you keep this away from your wife or not?

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