From an early age I’ve always noticed some peculiar differences between how it felt interacting with most people, versus certain people. The feeling is as if some people are not fully aware or conscious, and this applies to most people I know or have met. This is different from the feeling I get around my close relationships, where I feel like they are fully conscious. On a practical level the first group of people seems to get basic facts about reality wrong frequently and the second group does not. Additionally it seems like they also are not as aware of their surroundings and environment as my friends and I. This also extends to communication to an extent where I have to carefully think through my words to properly explain and communicate with the prior types of people. Over the years I’ve figured out some possible differences between the 2 groups of people and in general it seems that all my close relationships have been in the gifted IQ ranges from \~130-149, where most of them have had a verified IQ score in these ranges. Additionally, I strongly suspect that almost all of them would also be classified as having dominant intuition in MBTI. Finally, the closest relationships had few or fewer psychological issues than the others(I suspect a few of them had personality disorders and this affected the feeling that they were fully aware and conscious at times). Some research suggests people use the left or right side of the brain more and this affects bias and acknowledgement of unpleasant information, another potential part of this. I also think I may have some traits of Aspergers/autism and I observe this in some of the close relationships in terms of sensory sensitivities. Developmental levels theory appears to explain a good deal of this as most people simply being in a lower level of awareness most of the time. It doesn’t make me happy to say that interacting with most people feels kind of like managing an impulsive pet animal and also that it seems like most people are in a waking delusion and don’t have a strong grasp on factual reality. When talking to my close relationships about these issues there is a tendency to agree with what I observe, but most of them are so good socially that no one really cares about this to the extent I do, other than the energy draining factor of dealing with most people. They have also said that the “normies” do have sparks of higher awareness and there is more going on with them that I acknowledge. It still bothers me even after understanding it and is always going to be strange walking around feeling like there are 2 species of humans I have to interact with who look more or less the same. It also bothers me that I have not met anyone else who is as bothered by the fact that we’re here and the vast majority of potential connections have no potential for depth. I’d like some input into other potential causes of my issues and possible solutions, or if my perspective is even totally correct.

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