My boyfriend (29) and me (25) have been in a relation since 1.5 years and we live together since 1 year. Now, I belong from a place where people are bit orthodox and im
Not comfortable posting a picture with him on instagram just to avoid the judgments that i might face. But my boyfriend forced me to post a picture partly because he is a bit insecure. I resisted not wanting to do it but after that his parents got involved trying to persuade me to upload a picture and saying their son is right in this sense. After a lot of conversations and fights i finally uploaded the picture in intense amount of pressure. But i
Still cant move on from the fact his parents had to get involved. And he still accuses me that i didnt want to upload a picture because i didnt want to upset other guys in my city.
I just want to know how am i even wrong and not understanding in this situation.?????

Tl;dr: my boyfriend asks me to upload a picture and pressurised me.

  1. So, he doesn’t trust you. He told you he doesn’t trust you. He thinks you are some sort of cheater. He doesn’t think you are an awesome and amazing person. If I were in your position, I would dump him, because I don’t settle for someone who doesn’t recognize my awesomeness and trust me. I am an honest person, and I deserve to be trusted. And I deserve to have someone in my life who sees me for who I truly am.

  2. This guy doesn’t respect you. So he’s insecure. We are all insecure about something. But when we force someone to do something because we’re insecure? That’s controlling and pressuring and not the person you should be with. Sorry that you posted it but you should definitely break up with this person. And from his end , if there’s no trust in a relationship, there’s no relationship

  3. Is this the first time he’s pressurised you and got his parents involved? I’d be vary wary of this behaviour.

    Relationships are built on trust, and he should know and trust you enough to know that you’re not keeping your options open.

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