Hi there everyone,

I (19f) have been on a couple dates with this guy (23m). He came over to my house last night, and we had some intimacy but we didn’t have sex. I was upfront about why (I get attached after sex and I don’t want to get attached to him yet). He’s quite reserved, and English. I’m quite outgoing and Australian if that changes anything

I’m pretty forward and I’m an emotional person. So I’m pretty honest and I told him I was having a nice time and stuff. He also said that he loves how forward and honest I am.

It seemed to go well, we had a couple deep chats and we cuddled and kissed heaps. But there were a few red flags that made me think he doesn’t like me, which hurts my feelings and I’m hoping I’m wrong about

1) my dog didn’t like him. He’s usually pretty chill, but freaked the fuck out whenever this guy would touch me or kiss me

2) he said a couple days ago that we would do some stuff next week and gave me some ideas. But when he was at my place, he said I might not see him for a couple weeks. The reason he gave was pretty solid, but still felt like a change in attitude. When we were cuddling on the couch , I said that I’d miss him over the next couple weeks and he said he would too. But still, a weird attitude change

3) I dropped him home and he didn’t text me. He didn’t ask if I got home safe, he didn’t say thank you for dropping me home, or having him over or anything. I think that’s so rude. I sent him a message when I got home to say thank you , for him to hmu when he has time and to keep in touch. But still.

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