Context my (23f) girlfriend dumped me after I (26m) took a pee when she was in the shower. Here’s the situation I was at my girlfriend’s appartment overnight. When i woke up she was already in the shower and there is only one washroom. So I knocked, then walked in and peed, at the moment she said nothing. No, I didn’t flush the toilet and scald her. To put things into perspective because some may think I invaded her privacy. In the past we’ve showered together and had no problem sharing the washroom. This day was different though. When she was done in the washroom she came out furious at me saying I invaded her privacy and was inconsiderate. I said I didn’t mean to upset her but there is only one washroom and I really had to pee. She broke up with me then and there, for a couple weeks before this I felt things were different between us. She seemed more distant, didn’t want to be intimate as often and started showering by herself. I brought it up and she told me everything was good and if there were any problems she’d tell me. That was 2 weeks before the break up. It’s now been 2 weeks since the break up and I thought I had come to terms with things. Until last night when I got a phone call from a private number. It was my ex, she was apologizing profusely saying she made a mistake and wanted me back. I really do love this girl, but I don’t feel like she’s being straight with me about everything/breakup. I asked her if she’s seen other people and she refused to answer until eventually admitting she’s slept with 3 people since dumping me. To me it seems like she dumped me to explore other options and now she sees she made a mistake and wants me back. Should I take her back? Does her reason given the context seem legitimate?

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