I (M, 24) have had a friendship group of guys for around 10 years. Around 2 months ago I noticed they started making plans without me. There was one guy who I was particularly close with who simply stopped responding to my calls. There was only one guy in the group who I remained in contact with. Let’s call him T.
Since we had a lot of mutuals I have seen them from time to time (maybe 2, 3 times) and they would act semi normal but with a bit of clear awkwardness. I feel really let down by them all. I never said anything after that because I don’t need people who don’t need me and if we have been friends for 10 years and you have an issue you can come and talk to me about it not just sever all ties. I really thought our friendships meant more.

I see T on his own from time to time and he asked me today (via text) “where have you been? You’ve been incognito!” Now T goes out with those guys as well.
How do I respond to him and how do I explain this in a calm effective way while standing up for myself? I understand he doesn’t really have a clue what’s going on. FYI there is a bbq this evening where they will all be there. Thanks in advance!

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