Hey guys!

So I’m currently a sophomore in college, and I wouldn’t say that I don’t have friends, but at the same time, I feel like the relationship I have with them isn’t the best. For one, most of my friends are NBB majors, while I’m a math and econ major intending on pursuing med school. They also live really close to each other on campus, while I live in a dorm hall farther away, which is one reason why I don’t see them a lot (my schedule is also seemingly very different too). One thing I’ve noticed recently is that these friends don’t seem to really invite me to any gatherings they had. For instance, this past spring break, they all spent the weekend near Alabam’s coastline while I was literally one state over (I didn’t know they did this until I saw one of my friend’s instagram post). They also tend to not invite me to any fun gatherings they have (they don’t even ask if I can make it to them, etc.), and most of the time I’m fine with not being invited, but it’s getting to a point where I’m asking, “are we really friends?” I can also have friendly talks with them from time to time, but outside of that I don’t really interact with them (I guess you can technically blame me a little for not being more outgoing).

I don’t want to come across as needy or anything, but as someone who is quite introverted and spends a lot of time alone, I’ve come to realize that I want friends who I can study with consistently, go to dinner with, etc. I’m also a bit shy, which isn’t great given that I also interalize a lot of my thinking. Thus, I’m just looking for any tips on how to be more open and come across as less judgemental so that I can find real friends that I can truly grow with.

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