I’ve been living at home since I finished uni last Summer and long story short, my parents are now obviously trying to get me to move on with my life which is fair enough. I have a handful of friends but I don’t see them often. I’m terrified of getting lonely if I move in on my own – my job provides a nice level of social connection but when I get home in the evenings I think I’m really going to struggle. I’ve considered trying to find flatmates but moving in with strangers is hard because I make music and I don’t want to impose on anyone in that sense. I loved living with friends throughout uni but most of them have moved on without me now and I don’t know where to go to be honest…

Any tips greatly appreciated !!

  1. Get yourself a pair of kittens. They’re company for you when you’re at home and each other when you’re out.

  2. Definitely a pet. Aquariums are great. How about going to a local gym or pool. Do art classes or some sort of martial art. Are there any local charities you could volunteer for.

  3. Definitely a pet. Aquariums are great. How about going to a local gym or pool. Do art classes or some sort of martial art. Are there any local charities you could volunteer for.

  4. Hmm, there are multitudes of ways to get around this. One thing is to give extra attention to your existing relations see which ones want to keep more personal to you and which are just like summer friends to have fun with and then go on your own way. Have hobbies, would suggest go to gym or local art clubs or whatever you’re into, any activity that gets you out of the house from time to time or daily would be great and wont let you feel coped up at home. Having pets is nice but it depends if you are able to take care of yourself (lol me so its a big no on my part) then I would say online friends and possibly being able to meet up with them! The joy of getting to know new people is always thrilling and especially if you can make something meaningful out of it whether it be a new friend or a new lesson.

  5. If you’re ready for the responsibility, adopt a dog. I am pretty solitary but walking my dog around? She’s basically a celebrity. There are usually dog-based activities and places in every city!

  6. Join a gym or some meetup group activities where you can meet people. There are so many ways to keep busy!

  7. Is it normal to feel lonely if you have to spend a few evenings on your own at home?

  8. Look up social sports. Kickball, volleyball, softball, i have made friends through my coed volleyball league. Its been a blast and a decent workout too. Its okay if you are a beginner they have beginner leagues as well. I have also met friends through hiking meetups as well.

  9. Join some sort of volunteer group. Look around at who is actively involved in making the world a better place and become a part of the work.

    People who are a part of these groups will tend to be fairly positive people, because otherwise they wouldn’t be trying to make the world a better place. Try a few different ones, until you find one that feels like “Home”

  10. I go for walks around the lake where I live just to get out and be around people. Joining walking or hiking groups is also nice

  11. Playing music has connected me with so many friends over the years, almost every one I have either directly or indirectly. Use that to your advantage. For example, I have an informal band that meets at my house once a week to play songs. We also end up doing other non-music related activities on weekends sometimes.

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