Me and my bf have been dating for almost 3 years, today we had a serious talk the first one in all our relationshipI felt ignored all day I feel like he’s been distant lately, my bf does not like to talk about his feelings, in our talk I told him that today I felt very sad he use to worry a lot about me I feel like that’s changed he told me how he felt he said he’s tired of everything he said he feels tired all day and he’s stressed and tired of me having very big feelings, I worry when he goes out with friends, I worry when he acts different, and I get sad about little details like when he doesn’t hold my hand or show love, he feels like he’s been the same and hasn’t changed but I feel like he has, I have always told him how I feel and why I feel that way he told me that he feels like he has no freedom to go out with his friends even if I have explained a million times why I worry he said he can’t even put his head down without me asking if he’s okay that he’s tired he said I take things way too seriously and even thought about how our future would be with and without each other I just listened the whole time I felt like my feelings were not valid and I felt like I didn’t matter, what I understood from this talk is that he wants a break I asked him he said no but he said we need to tone it down a little, I don’t know how to feel or what to do please help

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