Recently, I was speaking to a couple of lawyers and after sharing some information about myself on of them gave me his card and told me to contact him with any ask any questions or for advice about a career in law. So I contacted him the next day, yesterday, but I haven’t heard back from him. I’m worried he’s read my email and changed his mind about me. I believe this has happened before. I’ve given a good first impression or been successful in public and as a result somebody has given me their contact details, only for the contact to go cold after I message them. Am I paranoid or overthinking/overracting?

Here is the email I sent him yesterday:

Hi Alex!

This is my message for you about starting a career in Law. As you know I don’t know anything about this world, but want to know more because I believe it could be an answer to some big questions I have about my life and future. Obviously I have a lot of questions. I would be curious to know where you recommend starting and how you can help me. Happy to have my hand held at every point, but can fund for a sink or swim approach too. My strengths are reading, writing, logical tasks and, since you pointed it out, networking – thank you. Harder time with self-criticism and confidence and obviously lacking experience. From contact with you I want to gain a view of what it is that lawyers and law-firm-staff do and realistic expectations of the outcomes for a late-career lawyer.

Hard-work, frustration, etc . . . I already expect it.

What do you think?

P.S. This email is a 1st draft, but given the nature of our meeting I think it will be okay?

Take care!



I’m may consider writing another email that appears to be professional and rational. I’m worried my email makes me sound mad. When I wrote the email I was excited. I thought it was good, but now I doubt it.

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