Just when I reached my teenage years, I was hit by the world wide lockdown and it’s only gone downhill since then. Those were basically the years when I should have socialized and developed some social skills.

**I started living as a shut-in since mid 2020, and a year later I learned masterbation and not supirsisingly I’ve been an addict since then**. Around 2023 I realised living like that isn’t healthy, so **I tried living a healthy routine for a few months, but I went back to being a shut-in once again as I realised how comforting and easy this lifestyle is. Since then I’ve been trying to live that kinda life as long as long as I can**. Now that I’m gonna be an adult soon, I don’t I can live like that for long

I’ve low self-esteem and difficulty communiting with girls my age, or younger. I’m perfectly fine when communicating with the same gender or elders.

I’m not looking for answers related to low self esteem, confidence and my addiction, since I know them already. **What I want to know is what kind of life style should I live to become self sufficient**

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