TL/DR: I’m 24 & looking to start building up to becoming a dream guy as a 30 year old. Mentioned a bunch of things I wanna work on, and some questions regarding each. Feel free to choose whatever part you want, and help me add to the persona and how I can get to it.

I’m 24 right now, single & in grad school. I love product design & management, but I also like to write code for fun. Not exactly incredible at dating, but I’m not too worried about it right now either.

From now, I wanna work on building my thirty year old self, so I basically got 6 years, & I wanna work on the following things:

– Career: I wanna build both my own microSaaS products & bigger corporate level stuff. Idk how I’m supposed to manage them, but I wouldn’t be able to figure it out unless I drop myself into this pool. The real question is, should I work engineering first, or just go directly into the managerial route?

– Health: I don’t wanna be just muscular, even though I do wanna add muscle (currently 5’8″, 152 lbs, ~18-20% bf). My aim is to be in fighting shape, around the light heavyweight category. I have to figure out my diet & workouts (weights, cardio & fighting), so if anyone has personal experience with that & can help me avoid any mistakes I might make, please do!

– Hobbies: I’m already into art, literature, music, film & photography. I’ve been songwriting on professional projects since I was a teenager, and don’t plan on quitting ever. I’ll just take these & add or remove as I go, since I’m mostly content with this part of life. But in case anyone has any recommendations on things I should try, please lmk!

– Relationships: This part is tricky tbh, for multiple reasons. I’m not exactly the most attractive guy out there, but I’m getting there, & getting there takes time, which I understand & respect. Also, I’m a grad student, and working, so I don’t have partying time. If I do something, I have to do it proper.

My only ick is, if I don’t date now and leave it for later, idk if I’d have my preference figured out. If I do date rn, I might be wasting my time because I’m a broke student who isn’t exactly in the best of situations anyways, so I may not find someone for the long run. Should I even be dating rn? & if yes, what do you think I should avoid doing? (Note: I don’t have ANY experience here).

Marriage and children: While I’m all up for marrying the right person, kids before 30 for me are just too early personally. I’d leave this decision with my partner anyways, but even as I imagine my future rn, I don’t really see kids there.

Is there anything I’m missing out on? Anything you guys might wanna add, or give me a reality check for? Thanks for your help!

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