I’m making plans to have sex with a 18 y/o virgin I met recently and want to make his first time special and fun, so we want it to be unprotected. I’m clean and on birth control. From the photos he’s sent, I noticed he was uncircumcised and his foreskin looked tight around his glans when erect, so I asked him if he was able to pull it back exposing his entire glans. He said he was not able to (phimosis). I don’t know if he even realizes that is an issue or not, haven’t discussed it with him yet and I’m afraid of shaming or upsetting him. My question is, since he obviously isn’t cleaning underneath and probably has… Stuff in there… Would having unprotected oral and/or vagina sex with him put me at risk of infection or BV or anything? I’m worried it will smell or taste bad and ruin the mood or create awkwardness, but mostly concerned about some kind of infection. Yes, I know a condom would nullify these concerns, but I’d really prefer not to resort to that. Thanks in advance for any thoughts or information.

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