So Ive been in a 10 year relationship which ended 1.5 years ago. After that u tried dating but the conversations on dating apps tend to get sexual way too soon for me.

I met a guy like August of last year and we “hooked up” and had a fwb kinda thing until i caught feelings and the guy was never seen again.

2 weeks ago i matched with a nice funny and handsome man on Tinder.. We clicked from the 1st date and have been on 3 dates since. On the last date he stayed over and we had s*x which i really enjoyed and i think he did too.

Now with Easter and everything i have a lot of time on my hands and i was hoping we could meet up again but neither of us brought it up.

I really do like him and don’t want to mess up by making him feel pressured or anything.

Im just scared he will ghost me or lead me on but i guess that’s just my anxious attachment.

Any advice except for having patience haha

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