I 24/F have a fiancé 27/M, who just recently become friends with a coworker who is a 19/F, and I’m not comfortable with inviting her to our wedding. My fiance and I have been together for 8 years, My fiancé works at a restaurant, and has made multiple friends at work, but I am not comfortable with him being around this one. 19/F joined the guys friend group, recently. About 4 months ago, they’ve all gotten pretty close, going out to drink after work, and playing football together. I’ve noticed recently she’s been watching or getting into things my fiancé is into, whether it be anime or anything he likes. A couple weeks ago she started playing video games with us, league of legends to be exact, downloading discord, and playing on a mac, using a trackpad, (which is nearly impossible, so she’s never obviously been into gaming). I asked my friend who is an ex- pick me about this, and I quote “game recognized game”. She also recently broke her ankle so my fiancé had to drive her home every night after work, and possibly pick her up for work, so much that I saw her name come up on the aux connection, and carry her up the stairs to her apartment every night. And she would also go to soccer, even though she had a broken ankle? All this is just an annoyance, I could just roll my eyes and carry on until recently. My fiancé told me he was working late late, that night, and I told him okay, you’re coming home at 1AM then? He said yes. He didn’t come home till 2:30AM, I was already asleep by the time he came home. The next morning was fine, he had to drive me to work so I opened the door to his car, and saw a hairclip, and immediately my mind was racing, I told myself “I’ll keep it to myself, I won’t say anything” and so I’m trying not to cry on the car ride to work, and I see a text pop up on his phone, that’s from the female coworker, asking him “to pick her up at 4…” didn’t see the rest of the notification and I am about to lose it, he stops the car infront of my work, and I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt and hop out, I look down, seeing the hair clip, “I pick it up, I say “what the fuck is this?” I look straight at him and throw the hairclip into the parking lot, and slam his car door. I then go into work and proceed to have a breakdown before I open the store. Later that night, when he got home, he asked if I wanted to talk, I shook my head and we went out to walk, we sit down on the bench, I have my hoodie up looking down the whole time, and then he apologizes for coming home late, and I said “what were you doing?” he proceeds with “with (female coworker) and I was like “ yeah, I thought so.” we then sit in silence for a couple moments and then he goes “she was having a panic attack so I had to calm her down because of traumatic events” and I was like “okay.” They he goes “anon, she tried to end herself three times infront of me last night” I snapped my head, towards him and said, “that’s not your f problem, she should know better not to involve you in that situation.” And he got defense. and was telling me, oh she has no friends, she doesn’t trust anyone, etc. and I tried to tell him, how I thought she was going after him, but he tells me no, I don’t think she’s that kind of person, etc. She has feelings for another guy in the friend group, they hooked up, but they’re not together, because of circumstances, blah blah blah, whatever, I still feel like she feeds off my fiancés attention towards her, so she can pull this kinda stunt with him, but not even the guy supposedly has “feelings” nor the other guys in the group know about this whole incident. I don’t know, it’s really frustrating, because clearly I do not see her having good intentions. How do I tell him he cannot invite his female coworker?

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