Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 7 months and it’s been great, he says he’s the happiest he’s ever been.
He divorced his ex because she cheated, and we’ve talked to many times about how he has no feelings for her anymore and how the moment he found it it all ended for him.
He’s very chill, straightforward, honest and zero dramatic, so I believed him.
They’ve been divorced for 3 years and he had another relationship after that one that fell through.
The other night we were talking about something bad he had done (unrelated to this, just some silly thing he did at an event that was pretty rude of him) and I told him “well, everything bad that has happened to you since then is direct karma from that” (we were laughing and joking around), I asked him “do you remember what shitty things happened to you since then?” He said “well I lost the love of my life”.
I was livid.
I stood up and left.
I felt like a fool.
I am so so in love with this guy, it’s the happiest I’ve ever been in my life.
He came after me and he cried a little bit and apologized, said he was sorry and he didn’t know why he had phrased it like that. He said I’m the best thing that ever happened to him.
I just can’t stop thinking about that.
He could have said “I got divorced”, but he chose those words and it just completely broke my heart.
We talked again since then but I feel like complete garbage…

TL;DR: boyfriend reffered to his ex wife as the love of his life and later regretted it but I am devastated

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