I used to be very athletic and sharp in studies. Now I’m 28, I can’t seem to get social ques like I used to. I can’t understand card games. I can’t write about a topic in my own unique words although I used to win essay competitios. Even being a technical person, I can’t seem to understand basic things like I used to 5-6 years ago.

I used to be very athletic and sharp in studies. Now I’m 28, I can’t seem to get social ques like I used to. I can’t understand card games. I can’t write about a topic in my own unique words although I used to win essay competitios. Even being a technical person, I can’t seem to understand basic things like I used to 5-6 years ago. hat’s happening to me? Is it dementia or something. Even a couple of people pointed this out me.

There’s one thing that I’ve stopped doing, that’s exercising and playing sports. I am still good in E-Gaming though.

What’s happening to me? Is it dementia or something. Even a couple of people pointed this out me.
There’s one thing that I’ve stopped doing, that’s exercising and playing sports. I am still good in E-Gaming though.

  1. I know a lot of people blame social media and phones…but it probably IS social media and phones to some extent. The whole population has seen their attention span drop and companies have complex algorithms designed to make you keep checking, swiping, and clicking. We’ve gone from watching hours-long movies, to shorter TV shows, to online videos, and finally to TikTok/Reels/Vine where we can only hold attention for less than a minute before swiping on to the next hit of dopamine.

    I would try to get back into exercising and really limit screen time. Try to read a physical book or take walks outside sometimes to reset.

  2. Sounds like your neurotransmitters ain’t what they once was, amigo. It happens.

    Exercise will help. So will high quality sleep, sunlight, and a healthy diet. Do you drink? Do you maybe have sleep apnea? Have you been for a routine physical and had your labs tested?

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