I’ve not been using social media (Instagram, Twitter, etc.) for years. Well, not for socializing. I have the apps and sometimes use them to catch up on news, information, study programs, etc. But since I don’t use it for socializing, I tell people that I don’t use social media for the sake of easier reasoning.

Most of my colleagues are more likely to connect through social media than through real life. This made me have a more limited social environment although I’ve tried to talk to people. They were surprised when I told them I don’t use any social media because it wasn’t the norm here. Because of this, my friends’ group is also limited to people I’ve known for years, there were no new people.

I’m ashamed to say that I am already past my teenage years but I still struggled with socializing, haha. But it’s the reality.

I’ll be going to a new environment and I’ll need to build my connection with people from scratch again because none of my friends would be there. Should I go back and use social media to socialize with people? It would be easier to connect with people around me.

If yes, where should I start? If not, why?

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