My close friend’s husband was supposed to plan her 30th birthday (not a surprise but her husband was supposed to host: handle invites, logistics, etc etc). It came up over a month ago, myself and another friend offered to help with whatever needed to be done! He told us he was looking into some things and would let us know. He didn’t.

I met up with them last week and she seemed to be under the impression that he had something planned. I didn’t say anything at the time because I didn’t really know what was going on. Maybe he did have everything ready to go? Nope. He called our other friend today and tells her that he didn’t do a damn thing. It’s less than three weeks away and no one has even been invited even though my friend gave her husband the invite list/contact info for all her friends WEEKS ago.

The other friend and I connected today, shared our concerns/frustrations, and quickly put together a plan. Within an hour we had pretty much planned the whole thing and designed an e-invite. We created a group chat with her husband, shared our ideas, and it’s been crickets since. I’m pretty pissed off and don’t know how to proceed.

I kinda just want to reach out and let her know that her husband never planned her party and never responded to us when we offered to help. First, because while I love my friend I really don’t have the bandwidth to be completely planning/hosting a big birthday party right now. Second, because if my husband did this I would absolutely want to know.

At the same time, I don’t want her birthday to be completely ruined. Should we just suck it up and plan the party?

Would you want to know if your husband did this? If you would, would you want to know before or after the party?

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