Gosh I feel a bit embarrassed to ask for this type of advice, first off in (F21) and I’ve been seeing this really sweet guy (M22) for a few weeks and talked for a while over the phone. He seems really into me and immediately after the first date we had before he had asked for a second one. I was flattered and said sure, now my delima is here. I’ve only been with two people physically in my life. One was a long term relationship that lasted two years and ended on a sour note. And the second was a weird all over the place relationship that last two months. Since I’m no longer pure or what ever people would like to call it. I don’t feel that pressure to wait. This guy I’ll call him John for purposes. He likes me so much he was straight up from the begging he told me after a while of us calling on the phone that he would like to get to know me as the woman I am before sleeping together. That he didn’t want to give me the wrong impression he was using me. And I really appreciated that. As en example of this we went and saw a movie together and I held his hand to my chest without realizing since I did it when a part of the movie spooked me. And I had his hand close to my breasts and he held himself back and didn’t do anything. He hasn’t been touchy and when he seems he will he holds himself back. But I feel horrible because I want us to have that step already. I want to have intercourse and I’m unsure if I should bring it up or how to ask. What if I am rejected is my thoughts and I simply want to be open and say hey I like you alot and I’m not sure if you’d be open to the idea of intercourse so soon or we can wait but the truth is I would like not to wait. How do I approach him? Is it too soon and should I have more self control and wait?

TL;DR met a nice man, we’ve been talking for a while and I’d like to initiate intercourse but unsure to how to approach him about this or if I should wait.

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