My (29F) boyfriend (31M) and I have been together for about a year now. He’s super independent and likes to do his own thing and hang out with his friends a lot, which is totally fine for me, the only time I complain is when we have plans after and he leaves me hanging.

Well, he had plans to go skiing this weekend with some friends from work about 2.5 hours away from where we live. He’s been telling me for weeks that he was just going to drive there and back the same day (Saturday), and if he got too drunk, then he would get his own place to stay in nearby.

Buckle up now. His plan conveniently changed on Friday, and he ended up going there a day early, and spending two days in an air bnb with a bunch of people, including some people with their significant other and friends, and a bunch of single girls. I was not invited and I asked him several times why I couldn’t come, and making comments that I wish I could go, but he would never give me a reason why or an invite… Keep in mind that I usually work weekends, but I had this past weekend off for the Easter holiday, even though I don’t celebrate Easter.

I was very very uncomfortable and upset with the situation, and I didn’t even know until he came home where he was staying, how many people were there, or what mountain they were even skiing at. I told him Saturday morning that I was really sad and upset, and that I was uncomfortable with him partying in an air bnb with a bunch of random girls that idk, but he made a stink about it and got mad saying he knew this would happen and that I always have a problem with him going out with his friends.

He came home yesterday and immediately wanted to be intimate, and I turned him down because that’s the last thing I wanted after being so upset for 2 days, knowing he was getting drunk and partying with other women.

I feel like I can’t confront him with my feelings because he always takes it the wrong way, and I’m already in so much pain, I don’t want to cause myself any more. I don’t necessarily think he cheated on me, and I do trust him, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy and comfortable with the situation.

I just don’t know if this is something that I’ll be able to get past/over. What do y’all think?

My boyfriend partied in an air bnb for two nights in another state on a ski trip with a bunch of random women and didn’t invite me, after telling me for weeks if not months that he was going to drive up and back in the same night.

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