First off, throwaway account for obvious reasons. Secondly, I understand pursuing co-workers is not really advised, but my workplace is pretty casual when it comes to these things. I know it’s best to keep things professional at work, but like I said, there are many couples where I work, so let’s ignore that bit.

Anyway, as the title states, there is this new girl that started working here (restaurant) a few months ago. I don’t really know exactly when she started working here, but I know for sure it was in Q4 of 2023. We don’t really talk much since I only see her maybe once or twice a week. But in the last week or two, something just seems off. As in at random times I would catch her looking at me and then looking away when I lock eyes with her. Sometimes we hold the eye contact for a few seconds, but one of us would look away, as if out of embarrassment or something. I don’t know if she is actually looking at me or if she’s just looking at whatever has movement. I don’t know if she’s shy or nervous around me. I say this because it’s like humans just tend to dart their eyes to any movement.

I literally don’t know if I’m overthinking this or not, but it’s kind of driving me crazy because ever since I noticed these things, I can’t seem to get her out of my mind. I know this might sound crazy, but I never really paid attention to her for few months, and now all of a sudden, she’s on my mind even out of work times? I don’t know how to explain it, but this all started when I started to notice “the look” .. Sorry guys, hard to explain, but it’s not just any ordinary look. Sometimes I’m not looking directly at her and I peek out of the corner of my eye and see that she’s glancing over at me. I know co-workers can talk and look at each other and nothing is weird about it, but it’s just different when it comes to her. Also to add on to this, whenever her shift is over, she would never say bye to me, but she said bye to me the time after we probably noticed that we’ve been giving each other eye contact? Any advice y’all?

I know it’s easy to just “go talk to her” but I’m the type of person that doesn’t talk a lot unless I have something to talk about. I don’t know how to really start a conversation with someone that I haven’t really talked to. Try not to make fun of me please, because I’m genuinely confused. I don’t know if she’s sending any signals, or if I’m just overthinking things. Like I said, I’ve talked to and made eye contact with many co-workers (old and new), but no weird vibes or anything. Just simple conversations between two people.. But when it comes to this girl, it seems like the eye contact lasts a bit longer than usual. I also kind of pay attention and she doesn’t really do this to anybody else either. I’m crazy, aren’t I? I think it’s safe to say that because of these things, I’ve started to become attracted to her.

Any advice, guidance, strict stuff, would help. I need to get this over with.

TL;DR: Co-worker gives me the “vibes”, glances over at me, and locks eye contact here and there before (sometimes) turning away. Sometimes I see out of the corner of my eye that she is looking at me. What does this all mean?

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