First of all English is not my first language, so I apologies if there is any mistake.

We’ve been dating for a bit more than a year, he mostly work long hours from Tuesday – Friday and on Saturday – Monday he work from home (not all day and not everyday).

His schedule is a bit over the place as he does freelance job ( Tuesday and Wednesday he usually is busy in the morning -afternoon and for the rest it’s usually afternoon – late night; but it can fluctuate quite a bit)

I just change job ,I decided to switch because of higher pay however I work mostly morning shift (6.00-15.00) so I go to work before he wake up and I get back and he mostly is not at home and j usually sleep quite early so I mostly go to sleep alone. Due to short staffing at my new job, I’ve had to switch my day off which I feel like I can’t argue too much cause I’m new as well.

Since my change of day off we don’t really spend much time together and I’m starting to feel lonely . I try my best to understand that he work hard, he is also tired and probably want to rest as well. I try to do most of the chores at home (laundry, cleaning, I meal prep for both of us, grocery etc) and I try to make some special dinner (so he doesn’t get bored of the meal prep) for him when he have to come home late so he doesn’t have to eat the meal prep or order take out (I’ll make it before I go to sleeve and leave it in the microwave for him).

Lately he doesn’t really text me during the day and he never read my text so I feel a bit sad I guess.

I know he is trying to work a lot cause he has some debt is has to pay and some financial issues, I’ve always understand that sincr we started dating and I try to help as much as I can financially wise. ( I make a bit more than him, but I don’t mind spoiling him to new stuff, dinner and vacation)

He is genuinely a really good person, i feel like it’s my fault since my day off is not the same as him. I’ve talk to my manager and next month my day off should go back to usual meaning we will have the same day off. But meanwhile I’m a bit lost?

Someday he go out with his friend and work friend which I understand and I’ve never been the type to not let him go out.

I know it’s just a rough path for us but I feel like I’m putting so much effort in our relationship and he just focus on work. I’ve talk to him about this and he said he knows but he has to work that much so he can be better financial and he can’t do anything about it right now. He just want me to understand that.

I tried so much to under him and try not be a selfish I guess? I understand he has to work and has to have his social life and circle, but I do the same as well and I always try to have time for him, make him cute dinner, bake snack, text him during the day and stuff.

Idk what I want from this post maybe I just need to let it out.

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