It’s a few months from my sweet 16, and i haven’t even started planning anything out or inviting people yet, but i posted on my story saying “does anyone know what i could possibly do for my sweet 16?” hoping for things i could do at my house or somewhere near me, because my house is kinda small and my mom said a venue is too expensive.

Well, one girl who is in my history class(shes kinda really dry to me and is constantly touching my stuff, talking shit about my friends, and is overall just kinda annoying) responded to my story saying like “WE should go out to dinner” and i didn’t know what to say because… i’m not friends with her. i’m nice to her irl because i dont want to be a bitch and she’s “nice” to me i guess, but i dont enjoy being around her. I know shes gonna make a big deal about it if i say that she’s not coming, but i plan to make a post about my party after the fact and she’s going to see it…

She also mentioned it IN CLASS, OUT LOUD… which this other girl, friends with the first girl + sits right next to both of us heard. Girl 2 is also really dry to me and i dont really talk to her first much (she usually just complains about how she looks and how she didn’t do the hw and how i should give her the answers…) Well, she heard and started talking to me about it and asked me what WE were going to do… i just responded with “well, i dont even know if i’m gonna have a party not gonna lie, my parents said i can’t invite that many people…” (a lie, because i’m going to be inviting like 20 people). But i just don’t know what to say to them. Mind you, most of my conversations with either of them are about homework or complaining about someone else, no actual deep conversations that would make it seem like we are friends in the first place.

TLDR: classmates who i dont really talk to are asking me what we are gonna do at my birthday and i want to know how to say that they arent invited….

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