I’ve been thinking about this for some time now, I’ve tried and I really want to have a social life but it’s not that easy once you are in your early twenties, I don’t have problem talking to people, nor I have social anxiety, it’s seems to me that everyone else my age is doing their own thing and already have their social circle. For now I’m avoiding being in a relationship because I was left behind a long time ago on that topic, and I hate drama, but at the same time I know that’s something I might need. There are other things that bother my mind, but I rather forget about that… but when I’m working on my projects I feel like I don’t need anyone else, I get immersed in tasks to accomplish certain goals and hours fly by really fast when I’m engaged in solving design and engineering problems and making music, playing instruments etc,(I really could make a living out of this) I tend to forget the world exists (metaphorically) and I realize I can live without a very social life buy only when I’m in the lab/studio so to speak. Anyways I think this is the right path to pursue, what do you guys think, could this backfire in the future?. I’m a dude btw

  1. I feel like nowadays ur career is made faster by building relationships not certifications.

    Can’t go up high if u have no visibility

  2. Nope, your social and mental health are way more important. Get a part time job and focus on your network and social life.

    Not worth having more money if you don’t have good friends and if you’ll be depressed. You’ll just be depressed with more money. That sounds awful to me

  3. You are asking if you shoud pursue your dreams. That should not even be a question. If you have the guts to do it, unlike the majority of the population including me, by all means go ahead and do it. You’re already late for it. You might make a living out of it and just live happy for the rest of your live and that would be cool, you might fail and have to go to to a basic job you might not like, or might end up enjoying more. Or you might change your mind in the future and pursue a different dream. And that would be cool too. You never know until you try. But if your willpower allows it and your feel like you could do it, do it. Maybe in the future you will no longer be so convinced as you are today so just take the damn opportunity your brain is giving you to make this decision, every minute you spend thinking what others will think about your choices is a minute you’re not speding being happy. Every minute you spend worrying what the outcome to this will be and hoping that it will magically turn okay, is a minute you’re not spending on acting to make your dream come true. For all of us that are not ready (and maybe never will) and too scared to pursue our dreams, please listen to Nike on this and JUST DO IT.

  4. As long as it’s not because of adderall/stimulants (like me) because eventually the working wears thin and you’re left with not a whole lot going on that u care about

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