The number of conversations I had recently where my interlocutors asks very few questions is starting to get on nerves. I listen carefully to what they say, ask questions they are clearly interested in discussing, and very very often get compliments about how nice the conversation was after and a friendship is usually formed. But I find that by the end, the other person knows so very very little about me. I understand that conversation isn’t easy for some, so I occasionally interject with short personal anecdotes that build on their points to help them out (helping them to get to know me, building rapport, and providing opportunities for them to take the lead a little) but they hardly ever bite and you can see in their face that they are bored and want to get back to talking about themselves. I’m getting tired of this type of interaction. And no, I don’t continue conversations unnecessarily- it’s usually social events and the other person wants to keeps talking. I feel like we’re losing the art of conversation, or maybe I’m doing something wrong… does anyone else have this issue? What do you do to try and make the conversation two-way?

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