Things started from 2 weeks ago, we had an argument about me getting jealous when she is with her friends even when they are her female friends. Then we talked a lot and we solved it by finding out it’s because I get too jealous and toxic sometimes. Then a week ago we had 2 other arguments about her making friend with a guy while he’s being rude to her, and her wearing revealing clothes. But she explained that even if the other guys look at her body, they can’t do anything and I am still always the one she love. Again we solved them by finding out it’s because I am always insecure about things, and she promised to give me more reassurance so that I won’t be insecure anymore.

But things started to change after these arguments. I started to not have a lot of bad feelings about the rude guy she makes friends with. And a few days ago, she told me that she was getting checked on by a guy when she had badminton training, and she said she’s uncomfortable. I didn’t have a lot of bad feelings about it, but I still cared about her and I offered her help and we solved that problem. An explanation of this is because I am no longer insecure about whether she loves me or not, and I get that even she makes friend with other people, and the guys check on her, she still wouldn’t leave me for them and we still love each other. But I am still unsure about this explanation and I hope this is the reason of it, not because I am losing feelings.

But the main problem is that I think I started to no get as excited when I see her in school (I walk her to her classes sometimes) and text her first. But at the same time we had quite a lot of fun in our 2 months date, although I still felt awkward for few times in that date because the date happened right after the argument. I start to doubt myself whether I am losing feelings or it’s just being I am drained after 2 weeks of arguing because I continuously felt sad for 2 whole weeks during the argument.

I already talked about everything with her, told her how I felt. And she got hurt a lot, and I also felt sad when she’s hurt. And we agreed to give the relationship a few more days to see what happens, and find out whether I am actually losing interest and don’t care anymore, or I just need some more time to get used to everything after the argument. I don’t want to stop dating her because we both love each other a lot and our goal is to keep dating for a long time.

This whole thing is very complicated and I am getting drained about it, every time I talk to my girlfriend I get tired but I still keep taking to her because I feel happy talking to her.

I do still think I care about her a lot because I wouldn’t be talking to her for a few hours everyday and I wouldn’t try to solve this problem with her if I actually didn’t care about her anymore.

Am I overthinking too much? What should we do now? What can I do to prevent losing feelings if it is actually the case? How do we repair this relationship?

(Sorry for bad expression because English isn’t my first language)

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