she hasn’t done anything wrong but she has in the past but i’ve forgiven her. recently i’ve been feeling very annoyed and mad at her without knowing why

  1. what was she doing the last time you got mad with her. or isn’t she even there when you get annoyed

  2. Maybe because you guys need space.
    (It’s not healthy to be up each other’s ass 24/7).

  3. you dont like her anymore. it happens. We have less patience with people we dont like that much.

  4. You may be feeling dissatisfied with * yourself* , with your life in general. Instead of being irritated/angry with yourself because you can’t or won’t change anything, you are transferring the blame to the person closest to you, in this case your wife. This maneuver is a classic in human behavior as it’s much easier to blame someone else for your own problems, then going to all that trouble trying to fix them. …just my guess

  5. Dude my wife annoys me every fucking day, but it’s dumb shit that I have no reason to be annoyed at. If you feel like you still love her, maybe try to condition yourself to be more accepting and honestly talk to her about it. Just because you’re annoyed don’t meant it’s over

  6. Because you haven’t REALLY forgiven her. You are punishing her for her past indiscretions.

  7. There could be many different reasons for the way you feel. Can you afford to see a counsellor?

  8. She’s being irritating and you have not found a way to communicate what is bothering you.

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