To put it simply, it’s become so bad to the point where its preventing from doing anything related to connecting with others, mainly because whenever there’s even the slightest hint that people might not like me, (being the overthinker I am) I completely break down internally, it sucks I know bear with me here. To avoid feeling like this I end up simply socialising less and less.

For example, if i asked my friend out, there’s a chance that they aren’t interested or free. Although that’s usually understandable, it’s become my second nature to automatically think that said friend hates me, and it messes up my mood for god knows how long.

It’s even gone to the point where if i even make eye contact with someone I know has a grudge against me, my anxiety spikes and I end up overthinking things, which could last for days. I guess it can be considered a form of rejection too, considering that person rejects me as a friend. It’s because of this very reason that I’ve stopped attending school hosted events and such in order to avoid this exact scenario.

It’s concerning me so much that a simple fear of rejection has been hindering my social life and I practically have no idea why I feel like this or how to deal with it. Writing this post alone was already hard enough, so I hope the geniuses at reddit can come up with some ideas to help with my problem. If not, then well, my social life is absolutely fucked.

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