Hello! I’m 20F and been using Depo Provera injection shot for almost a year now, I’ve had it for like 3 times + with a month gap in each session (not safe & recommended to do lol).

Me & my current partner/bf 23M were each other’s first sex. Ever since we started doing it, he’s always been finishing inside me. For those times I didn’t get depo (month gap in each session like I said), we would use a condom but he still didn’t pull out and I was also completely fine with it.

So basically saying, we have never ever done pull out/withdrawal method at all even though we’re quite sexually active and luckily Depo’s doing a real good job haha

**I only have a month left before my Depo ends and been thinking about switching to a contraception that will last for years like the Nexplanon or Mirena. I would highly appreciate it if you guys can share your experience(s) with either of these contraceptions.**

Also just to add, I have 4 friends irl that had & currently have Nexplanon. 2 of them took it out because they got anxiety/depression, the other 2 are already struggling with their mental health as well and pretty close to getting it removed.

I am aware that what I’m doing is very risky so I’m sorry if anyone gets upset with my question.

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